Obtaining Level 2. Performance of the ECORESPONSIBLETM Certification

90,00 $

Note : As soon as your order and payment are received, we will open your file. You will receive the access code for your training via email, within 2 to 3 business days.

Created and managed by ECOCERT EXPERT CONSULTING

For more information please contact:
Marilyne Coulombe : mcoulombe@industries-durables.org or 438-827-1212

Target To obtain Level 2. Performance, the company must demonstrate implementation of the actions and monitoring mechanisms that have been instated.
Goals This training will allow you to:

  • Learn about the new elements to implement in your company;
  • Lead the SD team in producing new required documents, such as the progress report and benchmark in your industry (summary comparative analysis).
Modules This training includes a single module (includes 5 access passes).
1 module: $90
Prerequisites None